Neferhotep I.

Neferhotep I. was an important ancient Egyptian King (Pharaoh) of the 13th dynasty ( Second Intermediate Period ), approximately from 1742 to around 1733 BCE or, according to another chronology (see List of Pharaohs ) of about 1705 to 1694 BC reigned. .


Neferhotep I came from rather average conditions and is probably like his brother King Sobekhotep IV was born in Thebes. His grandfather was the "City Soldier " Nehy, whose wife was a certain Senebtisi. The official title of his father Haan boss is not known, since it is always named only as God the Father and this is just a term for a bourgeois king father in this case. The mother Neferhotep I was called Kemi, his wife Senebsen. He had a son name Haan chief and a daughter named Kemi, named after the paternal grandparents. Sobekhotep IV, brother of Neferhotep I. predicated on a stele that he was born in Thebes. It can be concluded that the whole family came from Thebes.


From Byblos comes a relief showing the local ruler intensity as he pays homage to Neferhotep I. and thus trade relations with this city occupied at that time.

From Abydos comes a large stele tells of the creation of a Osiris cult image. In Abydos ruler seems to have also built, such as blocks with his name suggest. Numerous rock inscriptions near Aswan certainly originate from the various royal expeditions. After eleven years of reign of his brother Sobekhotep IV was his successor. From Karnak large statues come from him, among them there are two pseudo- groups, which are statues showing the same person next to each other. The Turin Royal Canon stated his brother Sahathor as a direct successor, but there is so far no other evidence that he ever really ruled. Maybe he was for a time Koregent, but still died before his brother.

His civil service

His civil service is relatively well known. Treasurer were some Senebsumai and its successor Senebi. Upper domain manager was Titi.
