
Negaraku is the national anthem of Malaysia. She was elected in 1957, the time of the Federation of Malaya, when the country gained independence from Great Britain. The title means " My country ". The melody was originally derived from the popular song " Terang Bulan " the anthem of Perak.

Negaraku, Tanah tumpahnya darahku, Hidup Rakyat, Bersatu dan maju, Rahmat Bahagia, Tuhan kurniakan, Raja kita, Selamat bertakhta! Rahmat Bahagia, Tuhan kurniakan, Raja kita, Selamat bertakhta!

نڬاراكو, تانه تومڤهڽ دارهكو رعيت هيدوڤ, برساتو دان ماجو رحمة بهاڬيا, توهن كورنياكن راج كيت, سلامت برتختا رحمة بهاڬيا, توهن كورنياكن راج كيت, سلامت برتختا

My country, my country, where my blood was shed; The people live united and progressive May give ( us ) God 's blessing and happiness (and that ) our King reigns successfully. May give ( us ) God 's blessing and happiness (and that ) our King reigns in peace.
