Nemophora metallica

Marsh longhorn moth ( Nemophora metallica )

The Marsh longhorn moth ( Nemophora metallica ) is a butterfly of the family of longhorn moth ( Adelidae ).


The forewing shining brass colored and have no drawing. The wingspan is 15-20 mm. The antennae of the females are 1.5 times as long, the males three times as long as the wing length.

Way of life

The diurnal moths fly from June to August on its flower-filled meadows. Visit, often in pairs, almost all the food plants of the caterpillar, namely Marsh ( Scabiosa ) or widow Flower ( knautia ) species. On these, the females lay the eggs, the caterpillars initially live in the seeds or the flowers of the plant, later they drop to the ground, where they build a crawler bag from different parts of the leaf in which they pupate from May to June.

