Neo-charismatic churches

The Neocharismatische movement is a flow in Christianity, which is related to the evangelical, Pentecostal and charismatic direction.

Other names

  • Church growth movement,
  • Third Wave of the Holy Spirit,
  • Church planting movement.


Examples of communities and groups of Neocharismatischen movement in Germany are among other

  • Anskar the Church, Founder: Pastor Wolfram Kopfermann
  • Christ for all Nations Association, Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke
  • The Gospel Forum (Stuttgart), Director: Peter Wenz
  • The International Christian Fellowship
  • The mission work Jesus To The World, Evangelist Andreas Huebner
  • The Vineyard Movement
  • The network life Forum
  • Youth with a Mission, founder Loren Cunningham
  • The Gospel Life Center
  • Vineyard ( Germany, Austria, Switzerland )
  • Mission Karlsruhe: Siegfried Müller
  • Church on the Way, Director: Dr. Wolfhard Margie


The Neocharismatische movement began in the 1980s with the church growth movement. Research regarding church growth had brought people such as C. Peter Wagner and John Wimber to the realization that Pentecostal and charismatic communities would grow much more than not charismatic. Therefore, the church growth movement called for the inclusion of the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit in the church life, without at the same time to take over the entire theology of the Pentecostal movement.


How Pentecostalism and the Charismatic movement includes the movement clearly Neocharismatische to evangelical Christianity and is intentionally geared bible faithfully. The members of a certain pluralism is conceded doctrinally.

The Neocharismatische movement takes in teaching a middle position between the pietistic evangelicalism and Pentecostalism: on the one hand, they represent their followers the belief that spiritual gifts still have an important role in community life, on the other hand, practicing some of the Pentecostal doctrine of the baptism of the Spirit. In doctrinal matters, in particular points of contention between evangelicalism and Charismatic, they stay open deliberately.

In the gifts of the Spirit not only eye-catching gifts such as tongues, prophecy and healing of the sick are emphasized but also the more sober, such as teaching, management or pastoral ministry.

The characteristic feature of Neocharismatischen movement is its emphasis on creation of new communities. Church planting is considered the most effective method of evangelism: Every person shall find in its vicinity a church that speaks to him socially.

The Neocharismatische movement has been open from the beginning towards new trends that promise missionary successes. Thus was added the idea of spiritual warfare around 1990 in parts of the movement, a theory which assumes that the Earth is dominated by locally effective demons that need to be marketed through prayers, marches and proclamations of Christ's reign. In the mid-nineties, the Torontosegen was practiced in many Neocharismatischen communities. Current trends are the concept of cell church and the Servant evangelism.


Communities arising from the Neocharismatischen movement are often aligned clearly to specific age groups, social classes or ethnic groups and are aimed at the design of their services and their other municipal practice according to their needs.


The Neocharismatische movement is not uniformly organized. These include individual communities, communities with more or less numerous daughter churches or groups of churches, including in Vietnam, the Montagnard Evangelical Church.

D network

In Germany, many Charismatic churches, the members of any organization, connected to each other in the so-called D- Net, a service community for senior municipal employees. The D- Power is led by a group of pastors. The aim of the network is to establish and maintain relationships between individual municipalities. The way to do this twice a year to organized conferences that take place in Berlin and Stuttgart.

A written membership of communities there are not, which claims to have about 600 individuals in the D-network interconnected. Among the most important members heard the Gospel Forum (Stuttgart), the missionary work of Karlsruhe and the Church on the Way (Berlin).

Denominations in India

  • Bible Christian Mission
  • Filadelfia Fellowship
  • New Life Outreach
  • Reaching Indians Ministries
  • Believers ' Churches in India
  • Rajasthan Bible Institute.


The Neocharismatische movement does not represent any official position or separation from the ecumenical movement. Their followers often work together with other churches, especially within the Evangelical Alliance.


Church planting movement of Neocharismatische generally take little account of existing communities of regional churches or free churches. In particular, due to transfer losses can there be conflicts.

Which tends to be conservative doctrine is On substance of religion critics and liberal theologians. From traditional Pietist contrast, in their eyes, superficial and non-binding implementation acting is criticized. A detailed critique of neocharismatischen movement from specific orthodox perspective Seraphim Rose wrote.
