
Revelation is a theological and apologetic collective term for new, the closed canon of religious writings supplementary religious proclamations, statements or writings, primarily within the revealed religions Christianity, Islam and Judaism. It is less applicable to Eastern religions (Buddhism, Hinduism, Shinto, Taoism, etc. ), as they either do not know or closed canon of religious writings an ongoing revelation through " enlightened one" accept or no personal God - as the source of revelation - know.

  • 4.1 Christianity
  • 4.2 Islam


New Revelation within the Abrahamic religions are characterized by:

The reception of the New Revelation is described quite differently in the various groups. You are greeted by the chosen people in the form of medial letter, mentally conceptual or pictorial input, as a vision, as vernommenes " inner word ", as Audition, retold, nachgesprochen while recorded sound technology or written directly. In the case of the Mormons was the recipient of the place reveals where he would find the Book of Mormon, along with the order, this translate with the help of a surrendered by the angel aid into English. Some Neuoffenbarungsgruppen are " mediumistic " So believe in contact with an assumed spirit world.

The recipient of the message is often regarded as a prophet, medium, or incarnation of God.

Related terms


Neuoffenbarer and religious groups

More people / groups are listed under the category Neuoffenbarer.

Syncretic New Revelation

See also: syncretism

Syncretic new revelations combine elements of Eastern religions and wisdom teachings, as well as of religions and esoteric nature with classic elements of Christian, Islamic or Jewish religion.

  • Fiat Lux
  • International Sufi Order
  • Universal Life
  • Unification Church ( Moon - movement ), especially in the Asian culture

Evaluation by the traditional religions


According to the teaching of most churches divine revelation applies to the formation of the biblical canon in the time after the resurrection of Jesus Christ as completed. Referring to the book of Hebrews, the incarnation of God is against defined in his Son as unsurpassable revelation to man, so that everything revealed by the Spirit aim below only on Jesus Christ and thus nothing fundamentally "new" more radical. Revelations that are within the scope of Christian doctrine are called private revelation. Private revelation in the Catholic area can be recognized by the authority of the Church as such, but are not included in the canon. The Protestant churches differ in their handling of Neuoffenbarern significantly among themselves - while in charismatic preachers, especially in the Third World, the transition between Orthodoxy and the New Revelation is smooth, see the churches of the first world aspirations neuoffenbarerische extremely critical. It will entertain the Protestant Association for Philosophical Questions apologetic special facilities, such as in Germany. Due to the influence of the Enlightenment in the 18th century, connected with the idea of tolerance, persecution of Neuoffenbarer are rare. Larger persecutions had to endure especially Mormonism in his early years in the United States. The founder, Joseph Smith, came through lynching to death.


In Islam, the revelation of the Koran is considered as completed. Muhammad is considered the last prophet as " Seal of the Prophets ".

Neuoffenbarerische groups with Islamic background are still in their countries of origin, such as the Baha'is in Iran, as well as in many other Islamic countries of suppression and persecution by the state and the established religion.
