
As a Neo-Slavism is called a form of western and southern Slavic nationalism in the late 19th and early 20th century, whose goal is the creation of smaller units without Slavic Russia. He can be seen in contrast to Pan-Slavism, which seeks to Pan-Slavic Union (or, under the leadership of ) Russia.


First and most important exponent of Neo-Slavism was the Czech Tomáš Masaryk (1850-1937), who had at first the Austro-Slavism, then appended the Young Czechs. As a " realist " he demanded in 1907 a minimum target and announced it 1908 on the Slav Congress in Prague: the independence of Bohemia ( Czech Republic ) including Slovakia. For this was at least a military alliance with Russia while still conceivable such with the West but more desirable. This later developed into the Czechoslovakism.

Although this pro-Western movement explicitly directed against the Russian Orthodox leadership ( Russian nationalists were drifted from Pan-Slavism to Panrussismus ), the Neo-Slavism was soon supported by the Russian government. After losing to Japan, the weakness of Tsarism had become clear then insurgent Poland had supported the Russian Revolution, 1905. Petersburg was henceforth diplomatic, to discourage other potential allies of a Slavic settlement with Vienna and Berlin.

The Russian Liberal Democrat Pawel Milyukovs (1859-1943) trust, unlike most Russian Pan-Slavs and Panrussisten, the West Slavs own development and lead to quite and tried to steer them in the First World War against Germany. Milyukovs itself was therefore after the fall of the Tsar the most important representatives of the late Neoslawisten. As foreign minister and figurehead of the Provisional Government of Russia in 1917 so he promoted Czechoslovaks and Yugoslavs as well as the Polish nationalist Roman Dmowski promoted.


Another expression of the Neo-Slavism was among the South Slavs in the Balkans. While Belgrade promoted the Panserbismus to Czecho hydrophilic Croatian Republicans (eg Stjepan Radić, a student of Masaryk ) at Masaryk and Milyukovs that gave a federal Yugoslavianism preference oriented. The emergence of the Serb-Croat -Slovene State SHS Yugoslavia came into existence much by their mediation. Since the overthrow of the Provisional Government by the October Revolution reinforced the tendency to reject the Russian leadership role yet, the Soviets now assailed also the anti-communism of the Neoslawisten. In the Balkans the assassination Radics 1928 destroyed the first neoslawistische vision and led to a break between Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia. 1939 and 1941 broke provisionally even both states in their internal conflicts between nationalities, which were fueled by the German occupiers, even apart, 1991 and 1993, then permanently. Also in 1918, 1942 and 1948 aimed neoslawische unity between Czechoslovakia and Poland or the 1942 and 1946 adopted Yugoslav- Bulgarian federation of the Balkans never reach.
