Neolamprologus multifasciatus

Much Striped snail cichlid ( Neolamprologus multifasciatus )

The multi- striped snail cichlid ( Neolamprologus multifasciatus ), or Multi, one of the cichlids endemic to Lake Tanganyika and lives in East Africa. It belongs to the group of snails cichlids and lives in the lake in large areas of empty snail shells of the genus Neothauma, but it also breeds in the rubble zone in rock crevices.

The species forms colonies in which individual members require only relatively small territories and press the young fish as brood care helpers, that is, they help in the defense of the territory and in the care of their younger siblings. Males reach a size of up to 4 cm, females remain slightly smaller with about 3 cm.

It is a well suitable for aquarium fish as they can be (best from 54 l) maintain in relatively small pool and is easily imitated. A recommended stocking for such a basin, for example, one male to two or three females. However, a pair of attitude is also possible.

Neolamprologus multifasciatus can reach an age of about four years.
