Neon tetra

Neon tetras ( Paracheirodon innesi )

The neon tetra ( Paracheirodon innesi, Syn: Cheirodon innesi, Hyphesso innesi ), also called Neontetra or Neon Fish, is a freshwater fish from the upper Amazon basin. He comes in the Río Putumayo, in the upper Amazon River from Iquitos to São Paulo de Olivenca and in parts of the Rio Purus. After the goldfish and the guppy he is one of the most famous freshwater ornamental fish.

The 3.5 to 4 cm long animals form swarms. The neon tetra feeds on small invertebrates.


The characteristic iridescent blue-green band extends laterally from the nose to the base of the adipose fin. The abdomen is silvery - white. The red coloration ranges from the body center to the base of the tail. The blue - green color of the light strip will change at night fades into dark purple, the red stripe. Studies suggest that the discoloration of camouflage used during inactivity.

  • Fins formula: Dorsal 2 /, Anal 3/17-18, 1/11-12 pectoral.
  • Dandruff formula: MLR 32-33, QR 9, SL 3-5.


The neon tetra belongs to the genus Paracheirodon and in the family of the Real tetras ( Characidae ). The genus Paracheirodon is currently not assigned to any subfamily. It belongs to with some other closely related genera of the Hemigrammus clade.

Hunting and

The neon tetra is the numerically most traded aquarium fish. It is held as a schooling fish in groups of five or more animals. Most traded animals are bred, which were propagated in large ornamental fish hatcheries in East Asia. Neonsalmer are free spawning and breeding is only recommended for experienced aquarists. It has to be spawning in a darkened Extra aquarium animals and then allow the males to fertilize the eggs. Then you can remove the parents, as they operate no brood care.
