
As a newborn is called a child after birth until the age of four weeks. The term infant is used, however, for the entire first year of life.


At birth, the median weight of girls is 3.2 kg (5 - % percentile: 2.5kg 95 - % percentile: 4.0 kg), the boys of 3.3 kg (5 - % percentile: 2.6 kg 95 - % percentile: 4.1 kg). The weight of the children of multiparous women is on average about 85 to 140 grams higher than that of first-time mothers (as of about 1902). The birth length of newborn girls is 49.1 cm (5 - % percentile: 46.1 cm 95 - % percentile: 52.2 cm) of newborn boys 49.9 cm (5 - % percentile: 46, 2 cm 95 - % percentile: 53.0 cm)

A distinction is historically

  • Preterm infants (also: preemies ) concluded with a gestational age of less than 37 weeks
  • Term infants with more than 37 but less than 42 completed weeks gestation
  • Transferred newborns with more than 42 completed weeks gestation

More meaningful is the indication of completed weeks of gestation who testify at today's possibilities of Neonatology, together with the birth weight more on the possible morbidity or mortality.

After the birth of an indication of the ripeness is possible by the appearance of the skin of the newborn, as well as a calculation of the week of pregnancy was not possible. Babies born too early are still with the so-called vernix ( vernix caseosa ) coated, which is formed from approximately the 27th week of pregnancy, approximately in the 36th week has peaked and about in the 40th week usually disappears completely. Transferred children have a mostly dry and cracked skin, which is also known as washerwoman hands now because of the lack of vernix.

Legal situation

From birth, the human rights apply to newborns in most states and cultures of the world.

Sometimes trends are discussed, nor to leave newborn babies with disabilities the legal status of an embryo or fetus, which can make a killing due to medical or embryopathischer indication unpunished. This is to enable a decision about where appropriate, terminate the life of the newborn legal or not to receive ( Neonatizid ), for example, if the parents had decided even with a prenatally diagnosed disability for pregnancy termination. Two proponents of this opinion are Peter Singer and the British bioethicist John Harris, who represents much like Singer of the view that it " is not plausible, from a moral change during the trip through the birth canal to go " in the case of severely handicapped newborn babies ( BBC News, January 16, 2004 ), when a prenatal killing by abortion would have been legal.

From the history

The heaviest newborn ever reported from the, came on 19 January 1879 as the home birth in Seville in the U.S. state of Ohio to the world. Anna Bates (1846-1888), who was herself 227 cm tall, a child was delivered, which was 10.6 kg heavy and 76 cm (according to another source 71 cm) tall. It, however, died eleven hours later.

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