Nepomuk (Příbram District)

Nepomuk is a municipality in the Czech Republic. Lies 14 kilometers southwest of Pribram and belongs to Příbram.


Nepomuk is located south of the training area Brd in a south-facing slope in the headwaters of the creek in Nový Zentralbrdy. The village lies at the foot of Praha ( 862 m ) and the Maly Tok ( 844 m). To the northeast are the sources of Litavka, north takes the Třitrubecký Potok its origin.

Neighboring towns are Láz in the northeast, Nepomucké Zalany in the east, in the southeast Zalany, Stary Rožmitál and Věšín in the south and Buková in the southwest.


Nepomuk was founded in 1727 under the Rosenthaler comb by German settlers from the Bohemian Forest, who had become a resident after the Thirty Years' War in the reign Rosenthal. The Prague Archbishop Johann Moritz Gustav von Manderscheid - Blankenheim granted the settlers liberation from drudgery and military service. The inhabitants lived in simple log cabins and living off the forest work, made ​​shingles, furniture, toys, clogs and other wooden items. Likewise, carved figures, especially the Madonna of the Holy Mountain emerged. Until the 20th century charcoal was produced in the woods in kilns. Because of the stony and clayey soils, agriculture was little productive. Later was added a purpose forge.

In the 19th century the inhabitants began to replace their log cabins by Schrotholzkaluppen in Šumava style. The village school taught exclusively in German until 1870. In the 20th century the village was visited more by tourists because of its popular timber. In the 1950s created homes in the Finnish style. Since 1997, Nepomuk is part of the Natural Park Třemšín.

Community structure

For the community of Nepomuk no districts are reported. At the settlement of Nepomuk Nepomucké Zalany heard ( Salan 1 share ).


  • Wooden houses in various ethnic designs