
Netsplit is a term from the Internet Relay Chat and is a connection interruption within one IRC network, this independent into two sub - networks decays.

For users in a subnet, it appears as if the user of the other part left the network. Should a user the network because of a netsplit is

* Nick Quit ( Hub. *. * Server. *. *)

Or a similar message issued.

The example of the pictures on the right it would look like for users Bob and Sara as if Joe would leave the network, while leaving the net for Joe Bob and Sara. Bob and Sara can still communicate with each other.

Cause may be local, often even for short periods, server or connection failure. In rare cases netsplits are also planned, for example when carrying out maintenance on servers. Netsplits are therefore usually not intended, even if this is sometimes adopted. In the case of a netsplits then try the server depending on the configuration independently, reconnect to the disconnected server. In case of a longer-term disorder, it may also be that the IRC - operators of the IRC network will need to reconnect manually.

In large networks increases the likelihood of netsplits, as these consist of a large number of servers and connections between the servers.

Depending on the configuration is not specified If any split to which server the netsplit was to, for example, denial of service to minimize the risk of an attack.
