
Neurectomy (Latin for, cutting the nerves ') is the surgical transection of a peripheral nerve ( denervation ). In contrast to the neurotomy doing a portion of the nerve is cut out. It is regarded as a last resort to resolve chronic pain when their cause can not be deactivated. A disadvantage of this method is that this also functions of the nerve trophic be suppressed to the tissue of its coverage area. In addition, there may be a recovery of innervation by outgrowth of new axons. Moreover, it comes at the cutting point for the formation of neuromas, which in turn can cause pain.

A neurectomy is performed mainly in horses with advanced navicular disease. In gynecology, the neurectomy of the superior hypogastric plexus ( presacral neurectomy ) is considered ( controversial ) Ultima Ratio with intractable abdominal pain or endometriosis. In the ear, nose and throat medicine, a neurectomy of the vestibular nerve superior to the treatment of a rotary vertigo is performed occasionally. The neurectomy of the musculocutaneous nerve is used in functionless arm and contracture of the elbow joint.
