Nevil Story Maskelyne

Mervyn Herbert Nevil Story Maskelyne ( born September 3, 1823 in Basset Down House, Wroughton, Wiltshire, † May 20 in Basset Down House, 1911 ) was an English geologist, mineralogist and politicians.


Nevil was the eldest son of Antony Mervin Reeve Story and Margaret Maskelyne, the Astronomer Royal of the daughter, Nevil Maskelyne. The family took the name of Maskelyne, Nevil as came of age, she had inherited the family estate of Maskelyne at Wroughton, Wiltshire Basset Down. Nevil married Mary Thereza Llewelyn (1834 - February 27, 1926 ) on June 29, 1858 Their daughter Mary had married Hugh Oakeley Arnold -Forster on July 29, 1885 Hugh and Mary's granddaughter Vanda Morton published in 1987 a biography of Nevil. ..

Scientific career

His education was Maskelyne at Wadham College, Oxford. From 1851, he first taught mineralogy and chemistry at Oxford before he was appointed in 1856 professor of mineralogy, a post he held until 1895. From 1857 to 1880 he was Keeper of Minerals in the British Museum. In 1873 he was appointed Honorary Fellow of Wadham College.

Maskelyne was also a pioneer of photography and an employee of William Henry Fox Talbot. The abundant mineral in meteorites Maskelynit was named after him. In 1893 he received the Wollaston Medal of the Geological Society of London.

Political career

Between 1880 and 1886 was Nevil Member of Parliament (MP ) for the constituency Cricklade as a representative of the Liberal Party, and between 1886 to 1892 for the Liberal Unionist Party. From 1889 to 1904 he was a member of Wiltshire County Council.


  • A guide to the collection of minerals (1862 )
  • Mineralogical notes (1863 )
  • Mineralogical notices (1871 )
  • Crystallography: Treatise on the Morphology of Crystals (1895 ) ( Kessinger Publishing January 2008 ISBN 054882536X )