New Ireland Boobook

New Ireland - owl ( Ninox variegata )

The New Ireland - owl ( Ninox variegata ), also referred to as Bismarckkauz, is a species of owl of the genus Buschkäuze ( Ninox ). In addition to the nominate Ninox variegata variegata of New Ireland and New Britain, the subspecies Ninox variegata superior of Lavongai exists.


The New Ireland - owl reached a size 23 to 30 centimeters. In the nominate the wing length is 192-210 mm and tail length 117-118 mm. The face veil is brown. The head is often more grayish - brown in color than the coat. The ear-coverts are gray-brown or brown. The top is dark reddish brown and more or less weak light or dark reddish speckles. The coat is almost unmarked. The shoulders and wing-coverts show small white shaft stripes and spots. The hand and arm swing are brown with white spots, which are arranged in five rows. The Alula is dark reddish brown. The tail is dark reddish brown with ocher - yellow brown napkins. The underside is white with distinct scale-like, dark reddish brown ( in the dark color morph ) and orange - reddish ( in the bright color morph ) shaft stripes. The neck is marked tightly and thus appears darker than the chest and the abdomen. The barrel is feathered at the base of the toes. The toes have bristles. The eyes are yellow. The beak is yellowish horn-colored with a bright top. The toes are dull yellow. The claws are dark horn color. The subspecies Ninox variegata superior is slightly larger than the nominate. The wing length is 211-224 mm. The top is light brown. The front shows some speckles. The face is brighter. The mantle, wings and back are characterized by distinct spots and stem strips. At the throat, a large spots can be seen. The underside is light brown with fine shaft streaks on the belly.

Distribution and habitat

The New Ireland - owl inhabits forests in lowland and hill and mountain forests at lower and middle altitudes up to 1000 m. It occurs on the islands of New Ireland, New Britain and Lavongai in the Bismarck Archipelago.

Way of life

His way of life is so far little explored. He is nocturnal and feeds mainly on insects. A newly fledged young bird was observed in April.


The New Ireland - owl is quite often seen in forests and forest edges. It is widely distributed and is " not at risk " by the IUCN ( least concern ) classified.
