New Israel

Nowy Israil or New Israel (Russian: Новый Израиль, scientific transliteration Novyi Izrail ') or Lubkowzy ( Лубковцы, Lubkovcy ) is a Russian sect, which at the beginning of the 20th century from the sect Israil Stary (Old Israel) emerged. Her second name derives from their leader, the farmer Vasili Semenovich Lubkow ( Василий Семенович Лубков ) from Voronezh ago.

Lubkow introduced a new liturgical concept, a kind of " biblical theater " - a dramatized presentation of the events of Holy Scripture.

Their leaders were monarchists, yet they suffered reprisals by the tsarist government and the church. From 1911 to 1914 emigrated 2,000 members under Lubkow to Uruguay at the beginning of the 1920s, some of them returned to Russia and settled in the North Caucasus.
