New Moore / South Talpatti

South Talpatti, and New Moore Iceland or Purbasha, is a former, controversial in the affiliation between India and Bangladesh island in the Bay of Bengal.

The island appeared in 1970 after Cyclone Bhola in front of the Sundarbans at the mouth of the river Hariabhanga on. American satellite measurements from 1974 showed a size of about 2500 square meters. Later measurements showed that the size had increased by more mud deposits on about 10,000 square meters. The highest point of the island never towered over two meters. The uninhabited and not protected by dikes island was not found again years later. 2010, accumulated reports of a non-existing existence. On 24 March 2010, the disappearance of the island by the oceanographers Sugata Hazra, a professor at Jadavpur University in Calcutta, confirmed.

The global rise in sea level since the birth of the island was only about 10 cm and can thus explain the disappearance of the island not alone. The main cause are thus primarily erosion processes, especially to assume during tropical cyclones.
