New product development

In product development (PE ) the activity is understood to solve a technical problem. The two classical concepts and activities development ( R & D: pre-development ) and construction have been combined in product development. Product development begins with the idea of ​​standing at the top and extends to the launch of the product ( the technical solution ).

The formation of the concept of product development was carried out with increased application of a systematic and methodical way of working that significantly complements previously dominant intuitive approach for technical solutions and makes the development of marketable products predictable and verifiable better.


The following sequence corresponds to the product development methodology according to Pahl / Beitz. He is iterative in general, that is, at work at a later stage earlier work taken up again and its provisional results to be corrected.

( Clarify task ) Planning phase

Work objective is the creation of the specifications ( list of requirements ).

Development on their own behalf (eg a car manufacturer ): In an intensive market analysis, for example, a development task is formulated using the following questions:

  • " What does the customer want? "
  • " What does the competition? "
  • "Where there is in us new product ideas? "
  • "Who is our target audience? "
  • "Where in the product life cycle is our current product?"
  • " What are the benefits? ".

In the development of complex products, which are to be produced in medium batch sizes, the target cost structure is helpful in which the price of a product is determined first before starting the development.

Customer- created specifications: The customer provides on a so-called specification, which describes the requirements of the new product.

Is the specifications created technical possibilities for realizing the product are examined at the functional level within the development departments; it creates the specifications for development. In case of discrepancies between requirement and issue an adjustment must take place before placing the order the actual product development begins.

Concept phase

The object is basically to define a concept is to work out.

In principle, a variety of solutions is possible. In order to recognize them next to previously known solutions, it is beneficial to find the essence of the object by means of an abstract representation of the product function. The task should for example not be that a dish - rinsing machine but a dish- cleaning machine is to be developed.

The product function is broken down into sub - functions ( the dishes must be supplied in addition to the cleaning and stored, inter alia ), which also has the advantage that in large projects already operating in parallel groups can be used in this phase.

For each sub- function, there are various solution principles in the form of mainly physical effects ( the dishes could be improved by brushing, shaking, flushing or clean otherwise). By combining the principles of each sub-function found results in a variety of possible methods for the overall function. They are abstract, license plate is their active structure that can be represented in block diagrams. Impossible variants are quickly recognizable. The remaining number must be reduced to one ( or a few ) solution principle by an evaluation before one (or a few ) design can be customized.

The systematic and methodical evaluation is one of the essential features of modern product development. Examples are the cost-benefit analysis and the method contained in the guideline VDI 2225, which goes back to Fritz Kesselring. The morphological box can be used both in finding several solution principles as well as in evaluating.

The selected solution principle be added officials. With the rise of Real - concept, the design phase begins.

Design phase

The present as a solution concept is creatively set.

First, the functional support ( modules) are assembled grobmaßstäblich. After quantitatively (for example, strength calculation ), aesthetic (Product Design), are ergonomic, safety and production of a suitable size, creating a detailed design to scale.

This simple scale models are made to evaluate the appearance and function models. The latter serve as proof of the function. You are absolutely necessary if partial functions contained are not predictable even to the highest standards of engineering with sufficient certainty.

Elaboration phase

The design is so elaborate that the product can be produced in series.

Working out is the classic work of constructing, with the construction documents arise.

If there are single-part drawings, prototypes are already being made ​​and tested to eliminate subscription or older basic error. Assembly drawings are created afterwards. With a pilot series called, it is checked whether all the resources, such as special tools and devices for mass production are compatible. For economic reasons (avoidance of Committee ) of the production is still upstream in large series a small initial series in order to guarantee a trouble-free production.


Normally, the market is already started with prototypes selected customers are offered for testing ( marketing communication ). With the launch of the product life cycle.

If the product sells well after appropriate promotional activities, as well as the product development accompanying acceptance management was successful.


Since 1996 in Germany, the specialist product development as an independent study course with the Bachelor. This course is offered among others at the Fachhochschule Bielefeld. Furthermore, the diploma course in mechanical engineering with a specialization in Integrated Product Development offered at the Otto -von- Guericke- University Magdeburg. Professionally recorded in this area are the Institute of Product Development at TU Munich, the Institute Product Development and Machine Elements ( pmd ) and Institute of Mechatronic Systems in Mechanical Engineering ( IMS) at the TU Darmstadt and the Institute for Product Development ( IPEK ) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology ( KIT), and the Institute product development and Mechanical Engineering of the technical University of Hamburg -Harburg. At FH Bingen, there is also the opportunity to study in industrial engineering product development. Starting in the winter semester 2008/2009, it is possible to study the Master's program " Integrated Product Development " at the University of Applied Sciences South ( Iserlohn ). At the University of Pforzheim, the master 's degree program is offered " product development " since the winter semester 2005. The Rhine- Main offers the part-time post-graduate master's program " Product Development and Manufacturing ". The Fachhochschule Aachen also offers the Master's program of product development. Also, the FH Schweinfurt offers the course in mechanical engineering with a focus on "Product Development". At the Hochschule Bonn -Rhein-Sieg can be selected as the specialization of the course " Product Development".
