

Ngaoubela is a village in the province of Cameroon's Adamawa, 15 km from Tibati and 3 km from the axis lourde Tibati removed after Ngaoundéré. The village has over 1,000 inhabitants. Due to its history, it is inhabited by a mix of ethnic groups, most notably Gbaya, Mbum and Fulbe.


The Hospital of Ngaoubela ( Hôpital Protestant Ngaoubela ) is a hospital of Cameroon Protestant Church ( Eglise Evangelique Lutheran Cameroun, EELC ) in Ngaoubela. The hospital has 150 beds, two operating theaters, X-ray machine, ultrasound machine and a laboratory. In order for the hospital Ngaoubela is the best equipped hospital in the district Djerem.

The hospital is supported by an American Lutheran Church and the Austrian association " development partnership for Cameroon ". Through the Catholic parish Frastanz it is possible for Austrians, abzuleisten the civil service as a foreign substitute service in the hospital Ngaoubela. The Austrian physician Dr. Elisabeth Neier has lived and worked since 1986 without interruption there.


The hospital in 1947 by Norwegian missionaries was founded as a leper colony. The Lamido of Tibati had then asked the reason for the care of contagious sick far outside his city. Over time, the focus has shifted more and more to a regular hospital, since there was the technical and business best-equipped hospital in the region through support from abroad. Since 2003, it has the status of a district hospital - one of very few private hospitals in Cameroon.
