Nguyen Minh Triet

Nguyen Minh Triet ( born October 8, 1942 in the present province of Bình Dương ) was 2006-2011 President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.


Nguyen Minh Triet was born in a village in the present province of Bình Dương near Ho Chi Minh City. There he studied mathematics in the 1960s and was active in the student movement that opposed the US-backed regime. In 1965, he joined under the alias Sau Phong in the Communist Party of Vietnam, which had to work in the underground at that time. After the Vietnam War from 1975 he worked in the governing bodies of the youth organization of the party. From the year 1991 he took over the leadership of the Party committee of his home province of Bình Dương, in which he had returned in 1988. In the same year he also became a member of the Central Committee. In January 2001 he became secretary of the Party Committee of Ho Chi Minh City. During his tenure, he was able to lead the boss of the Mafia in South Vietnam Nam Cam. He distinguished himself in the struggle against corruption and opened Ho Chi Minh City for foreign investors.

At the 10th Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam in April 2006 he was nominated as President of the Republic and confirmed on 27 June 2006 by the National Assembly. On this day he succeeds Trần Đức of Lương. On the same day he proposed Nguyen Tan Dung ago as the new head of government.


  • Detlef D. Pries: mathematician. in New Germany on 28 June 2006