Niam-niam Parrot

The Niam - Niam Parrot ( Poicephalus crassus ) is a species of the genus -winged parrots. Together with the other species of this genus as well as the Grey Parrot, the lovebirds, the Rose-ringed Parakeet and endemic to Madagascar Vasa Parrots counts this type to the typical parrot species of the Afrotropical. The species status of the Niam - Niam parrot is controversial. It is possible that it is unusual color mutations of the brown-headed parrot or hybrids between Goldbugpapageien and brown-headed parrots in this species. The Niam - Niam Parrot is considered together with the yellow-headed parrot as the least explored African parrot species. Its distribution area is the border between the Central African Republic and Cameroon. Birds of this species are also in Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo have been observed. Their habitat is wooded savannas and forests up to an altitude of 1000 meters. Much like the Grey-headed Parrot is observed they are usually in the vicinity of water.

The ground color of the plumage is green. On the neck and head feathers, however, is dark brown. The ear-coverts are silvery gray. The lower mandible is yellowish horn-colored gray-brown while the upper beak to blackish.
