Nick Didkovsky

Nick Didkovsky ( born November 22, 1958 in Bronxville ) is an American guitarist and composer.

Didkovsky studied at Dartmouth College in Christian Wolff electronic music. Since he was interested especially the translation of the principles of computer music in the context of a game based on a acoustic band, in 1984 he founded the experimental rock band Doctor Nerve with which he presented numerous albums. This group worked alongside him musicians such as Dave Douglas, Rob Henke and Michael Lytle. He also worked together with the Sirius String Quartet ( Ereia 2000). He also produced two solo albums before (Now I Do This 1981 Out to Bomb Fresh Kings 1987) and was a member of the guitar quartet Extended Guitars ( with Erhard Hirt, Keith Rowe and Hans Tammen ) and Fred Frith and in John Zorn's project New Traditions in East Asian bar Music. With Hugh Hopper in 2003 founded the trio Bone, which was also expanded to a quartet with Daevid Allen. He also played on albums of the Micro - East Collective and Bruno Meillier, Fukkeduk and Gitta Schaffer ( Ankle to Nose ).

His music was also presented at the New York Bang on a Can Festival.

Lexical entries

  • Wolf Kampmann Reclams jazz lexicon. Stuttgart 2003, ISBN 3-15-010528-5.