Nicolai Reshetikhin

Nikolai Jurjewitsch Reschetichin (Russian Николай Юрьевич Решетихин, English transcription Nicolai Reshetikhin Yurevich; born October 10, 1958 in Leningrad ) is a Russian mathematician.

Reschetichin studied at the University of Saint Petersburg, on the 1982, he received his degree. In 1984 he received his doctorate at the Steklov Institute in Leningrad at Ludwig Faddejew in mathematical physics ( Analytical Bethe approach). He is currently a professor at the University of California, Berkeley and also at the University of Amsterdam.

Reschetichin deals with low-dimensional topology, representation theory of groups and quantum groups specifically. Here he was in the 1980s one of the pioneers ( with Vaughan Jones, Edward Witten, Vladimir Turajew ). , In quantum topology, for example, provides invariants for knots in the three-dimensional geometric topology

In 1988 he won the prize for young mathematicians of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society. In 2008 he gave a plenary lecture at the European Congress of Mathematicians in Amsterdam ( Topological quantum field theory -20 years later ). In 2010 he gave a plenary lecture at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Hyderabad ( Mathematics of Quantum Field Theory ), and 1990 he was Invited Speaker on the ICM in Kyoto ( Invariants of links and 3- manifolds related to quantum groups).


  • With Ludwig Faddejew, LA Takhtajan Quantization of Lie groups and Lie algebras, Leningrad Math Journal, Vol 1, 1990, p.193 -225