Nilotic landscape

The term Nillandschaft describes a genre of Roman art. Object are representations of the Nile at the time of high tide to the typical flora and fauna, the inhabitants of the Nile and its activities. The best known example is the in ancient Praeneste (modern Palestrina) found so-called Nilmosaik of Palestrina.

History of Research

How Versluys describes in his monograph, led the focus of scientific interest to the goddess Isis and her cult to the fact that tend to all representations with recognizable Egyptian references, as found for example in the 18th century numerous in the Pompeian frescoes in the context of the Isis cult were asked. This means that wherever representations with niltypischen elements (eg lotus flowers) were found, there was a tendency to believe, to have to deal with a Isisheiligtum or at least the place of residence of a Isisverehrers.

It was not until the 1970s, people began to question this assumption. With the detailed investigation of Paul GP Meyboom to Nilmosaik of Palestrina (1995 ) we went over to see the Nillandschaften also in a decorative, detached from direct references cultic function. Thus, with smoke, also speaks of a " Egypt Fashion ": The Theme of Nillandschaften represents an idealized by its exotic country.



The following list is an extract of the catalog contained in the monograph by Versluys, comprehensive 130 numbers dar. Many works have been preserved only in fragments. In the quite numerous frescoes with Nilthemen today are often due to weathering and color fading, details make out little more which are only obtained in watercolors and drawings handed (mainly from the 19th century). Therefore works were included in the selection that are relatively well preserved and in which the Nilthema is central. Technology Limited are the mosaics.
