Niono Cercle

Niono is the name of a circle (French cercle de Niono ) in the Ségou region in Mali.

The circle is divided into 12 municipalities, the population was the Census 2009 365 443 inhabitants. From 1998 to 2009, the population of the district has increased by 60 %. ( Census 2009) In January 2013 he has been the scene of fighting during Operation Serval. This is said to have come into the city Niono violent attacks against the immigrant Tuareg.

Communities: Niono ( main town ), Diabaly, Dogofry, Kala Siguida, Mariko, Nampalari, Pogo, Siribala, Sirifila Boundy, Sokolo, Toridaga - Ko, Yérédon Saniona.
