Nippon Decimal Classification

The Japanese Decimal (Japanese日本 十 进 分类 法, Nihon Jisshin Bunruihō, English Nippon Decimal Classification, in short. NDC) is used by most Japanese libraries for the classification of their holdings. The Japanese publishers use the NDC as part of their classification, they display next to the International Standard Book Number ( ISBN ) on the spine.


The spread in the West Decimal also found in Japan their followers. 1927 had come together in Osaka librarians become a "league of young librarians " and gave out a small journal. The driving force was Fujio Mamiya (1890-1970), who ran a business for library equipment and the band began the next 16 years. Soon after the formation of the League, the abridged to " LYL " ( " League of Young Librarians " ), its employees Kiyoshi Mori was concerned at the suggestion Mamiya with a decimal shared among Western and Japanese books he published in 1927 and the 1929 under the title above appeared as a book. The NDC is based on the Dewey Decimal Classification, the division but has adapted to the needs of Japanese. This classification was widely attention in Japan and after the Second World War, it was recommended by the Ministry of Culture for the libraries and established itself as a nationwide standard.

1948 advised the Japan Library Association ( JLA ) set up a permanent committee for classification, which has since assumes the revision of the NDC. The acting as State Library National Diet Library (NDL ), however, related the NDC to classify its Japanese and Chinese stocks only until 1968, they then put on their own standard to. The catalog cards, which prints the NDL for other libraries, but the NDC is still listed.

The NDC follows the subdivision of the main groups of the Expansive Classification Charles Cutters, because you could follow up as in the DDC remote areas 400 and 800 ( language or literature) and 300 and 900 ( social science or history ) to each other. Other differences arise from the fact that a quarter of a century after the first version Cutters began with the creation of the NDC and the natural sciences considered stronger in the subdivision. Finally, the intended application of the NDC required not only for foreign but also for Japanese works of a reclassification of Japan -related terms to be appearing in the Japan Publications justice. Thus, for example in the class religion in which Dewey Christianity is at the center, Shinto and Buddhism at the same level beside this out. In the field of linguistics and literature, Japanese and Chinese language ranks on the same level as English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Russian.

Japanese Paper Code

The Japanese " book code" (書籍 コード, Shoseki Kodo ) is composed of a C- code, a space, the letter P or ¥ that if the price is specify awarded with or without VAT and an E as the end symbol. Later (书籍JanuaryコードShoseki January Kodo ) the carrying code with the JAN code became the " book - JAN code " combined, the Japanese equivalent of the EAN, i.e. books an ISBN - 13th

The " book - JAN- code" is also machine-readable ago as a bar code, the bar " book code" 191 or 192 begins as equivalent to P or ¥, then the four digits of the C code, five-digit for the price and a check digit.

The used by publishers C code consists of four digits and starts with a C.

In the example we have a book whose C code 0192 indicates that it is to the general public (0 ) depends, as a small paperback (1 ) has been released and literary content (9 ), more Japanese poems ( 2). ( It is in this example, the total output of the haiku of Bashō. )

Bookstores use the code for the display arrangement of the books on the shelves.

