Nisus Writer

Nisus Writer is a word processing program for the Macintosh. Nisus Writer has been appreciated by its users because of the reliability and performance features which were not found in other programs. These features made ​​it a popular tool for prolific writers, especially fiction authors. At the same time Nisus Writer was because of the very free interpretation of Apple's user interface guidelines always in the criticism.

Nisus Writer was the first word processing program for the Macintosh that supported WorldScript. So it was - long before the introduction of Unicode - able to mix several systems of writing in a text document, so Hebrew, Arabic, Japanese, etc., if that was appropriate Apple Language Kit installed. Nisus Writer was therefore also an indispensable tool for users who have to do with ancient languages ​​, such as theologians and archaeologists.

Other unique features were multi-part text selection and multiple clipboards, a recording function, etc.

The last version was Nisus Writer 6.5; it is marketed as before. It runs under Mac OS 9.2.2 and Mac OS X, but only in the Classic environment.

One particularly sleek word processing program provided with Nisus Nisus Writer Compact available. It was primarily intended for low-power use on the 68K PowerBooks from Apple.

Nisus developed a fundamentally new product, Nisus Writer Express based on Cocoa, the very closely adheres to the user interface guidelines from Apple for Mac OS X. It is a very lightweight word processing with Word wide-ranging compatibility. In 2007 published Nisus another product, Nisus Writer Pro, which expanded the features of Nisus Writer Express to more professional features, such as creating tables of contents and indexes, as well as the support of cross-references. The program builds on Nisus Writer Express and therefore has a whole series of similarities with the latter, both in terms of functionality as well as the user interface.

There are localizations of the program in different languages ​​such as Danish, French, German, Italian, Polish and Spanish.
