
The Nivôse (also Nivose; German and snow month) is the fourth month of the Republican Calendar of the French Revolution. He follows the Frimaire, it follows the Pluviôse.

The name is ( belonging to the snow) derived from the Latin word family - niv. The Nivôse is the first month of the winter quarter ( mois d' hiver ). It begins about December 22 and ends around January 20.

Day names

Like all months of the French Revolution calendar had the Nivôse 30 days, which were divided into 3 decades. In contrast to the other months the day names of the Nivôse are no names of plants, but minerals and animal substances (except on Quintidi and Decadi, which are, as usual, named after animals and equipment). Fabre d' Églantine said: " In Nivôse the earth is sealed and usually covered with snow. During this time rests the earth, and there are no vegetable agricultural products in order to characterize this month. Instead, we have chosen names of substances from the animal and mineral kingdom, which are useful for agriculture. "

On the day names of the Nivôse most of the changes were made. Fabre d' Églantine not coming through with its proposals to involve the precipitation during the winter " ice " and " snow ". "Wax" and "Honey " were moved to the Frimaire, so that the original principle, allow animal products only as a name for the Nivôse, was broken. It was also apparently d' Eglantine intention to include only the classic five base metals. The National Assembly added as a sixth added the rediscovered only in the 17th century zinc.

Conversion Table

Conversion example

To determine the 3 Nivôse IX.

The year IX is in the middle table, including the Gregorian year 1800 and 1801. Under the third (upper line days ) is the 24th Since this month before the transition ( 31 → 1 ) is, December is meant. As the date is prior to the year transition, the smaller year ( 1800) meant.

The Gregorian date is therefore December 24, 1800.

See also: Conversion table between Gregorian and Republican calendars.
