Noble Drew Ali

Noble Drew Ali ( born January 8, 1886 in North Carolina as Timothy Drew, † July 20, 1929 in Chicago) was a religious leader of African-American, who is regarded by his followers as a prophet. He was a pioneer of the Black Nationalism and the founder of the Moorish Science Temple of America ( "Moorish Science Temple of America " ), one of the oldest associations of African-American Muslims, which he founded in 1913 in Newark (New Jersey). He put the faith community is an Islamic group, but was also inspired by Buddhism, Christianity, Freemasonry, Gnosticism and Taoism.

About his life, there are various legends.

The Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America

His book The Holy Quran (the " Holy Koran" ) of 1927 - which differs from the Koran of orthodox Islam - is considered according to the faith of his followers as a revelation from God ( Allah ).


Two texts of Noble Drew Ali are in the Norwegian anthology Svart Messiah (2011; ISBN 978-82-525-75293 ) published.
