
81.440277777778 - 11.489444444444Koordinaten: 81 ° 26 ' 25 "N, 11 ° 29' 22 " W

North Circular rings (Danish correct Nordøstrundingen ) is the easternmost point of Greenland and simultaneously the most easterly point in North America and the American double continent. It lies at the eastern end of the Prinsessegaten Ingeborg Halvø Peninsula, Crown Prince Christian country, in virtually deserted and to no congregation belonging Northeast Greenland National Park, 89 kilometers east of Station Nord, and in the extreme northeast of the former county tunu ( East Greenland ). The point is further east than Iceland.

On this coast, often small icebergs can be seen that calve from the glacier pitta Isblink and run some distance from the coast due. Large icebergs do not occur here, although there are numerous active glaciers.

North Circular rings separates the Greenland Sea in the south of the wall Staffelsee in the north. The sea route from the Atlantic to the Arctic Ocean is called Fram Strait. On the eastern coast of Greenland over is around 435 km away Spitsbergen.

North Circular rings was first discovered by Europeans by the failed Danmark expedition headed by Ludvig Mylius - Erichsen in August 1906 with sleigh and named. Until then, it was not known that Greenland as far enough at this point to the east. The expedition laid there a deposit for the return to before it was divided into two groups (one direction Independence Fjord, the other over sea ice direction Pearyland ).

The area was also visited by the Danish Hovedekspeditionen in 1910 under the leadership of Ejnar Mikkelsen ( 1880-1971 ) in the search for traces of Mylius - Erichsen, with records of the previous expedition were found.

However, the point was already the Thule culture known as very close to archaeological artifacts have been found, and probably also the Independence I culture ( locality about 80 km to the west ).

The area is covered by the Sirius Patrol.

North Circular Willingen is located east of the territory of the Independence cultures
