
Noren (Japanese暖 帘) denotes a traditional Japanese curtain that is hung in rooms, door frame or window. The basic form is rectangular and there are a variety of materials, colors, sizes, and patterns. The fabric of a Noren is divided into rule by vertical incisions, ranging from the bottom almost to the top, in several strips.

Traditional Noren of restaurants and shops can be used. Firstly, as a protection against sun, wind and dust, on the other hand as advertising space. Today, they are still primarily used to indicate that the business is open. At the close of the Noren is suspended in most cases.

In addition, they are also used by Sentō to label the inputs. Typically, a blue Noren to identify the input for men or a red Noren is used at the entrance for women. The main entrance is usually marked by a Noren on which the kanji for hot water汤( yu jap ) or the corresponding hiraganaゆ( yu ) is written.
