Normalization (sociology)

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Normalization is understood in parts of the social sciences, the alignment of human life to normalcy. Coercion and influence here are elements of the production of Erwartbarkeiten by normalization.

Essentially can be distinguished between a more normative and a descriptive rather based normalization. Normality can be defined by standards (eg legal standards). It is possible that these normative normality may deviate significantly from the actual ( descriptive ) normality. Normality, however, can also be determined on the basis of empirical evidence.

In the theoretical ( and actual ) development of normalization, different phases can be identified. Foucault describes in his book " Discipline and Punish " normalization, which is based on discipline and punishment. By means of a ubiquitous surveillance is internalized discipline here, so the punishment will eventually be replaced by the mere threat of punishment and supervision by the mere possibility of monitoring. (see also bio-power )

Deleuze (1993 ) suggests on the contrary the concept of control society, is achieved in the normalization via access controls. The access controls restrict this access to resources, so that the constraint for normalization in the societies of control is replaced by a desire for normalization. The late Foucault emphasizes the importance of self- management techniques. No more explicit normative claims from the outside lead to the behavioral adaptation to normality, but their own determination of what is descriptively normally in society.

Link (1997 ) distinguishes here between a Protonormalismus, is strongly oriented to normativity sets tight limits for behavior and responds to deviations with penalties or exclusion and a flexible normalism who works rather by statistical means, of course deviations as part of normality and manage wants rather than to suppress.
