Norman Rentrop

Norman Rentrop ( born October 26, 1957 in Bonn ) is a German publisher, author, and investor.


Norman Rentrop was born as the first of five children of the auditor and tax consultant Friedhelm Rentrop.

Economic activities

He is the owner and publisher of the shareholders of the German economy. Rentrop had founded it in 1975 as a publisher Norman Rentrop and moved in 2000 to the Supervisory Board. The publisher is also founder of the sermon price and the orator Cicero price. He became famous with the magazine " The business idea ", with which he drove ideas and instructions for New Business by subscription, and for which he turned television advertising regularly. Rentrop is involved in the publishing Rentrop & Straton (Romania) and Wiedza i Praktyka (Poland ), and majority owner of the nonprofit Bible TV Stiftung GmbH. Since 2002, he supported the transmitter "Bible TV" with 6.9 million euros. Rentrop the club BG Rentrop Bonn is sponsoring 92 eV, whose basketball women's team was represented in the Bundesliga. To his private asset management part of the Dr. Alsatian subsidiary No. II mbH. , Who had the shareholding of Deutsche Bank at Borussia Dortmund from 2003 to 2004.

Rentrop founding member of the Center for Value Investing eV and for over two decades shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway. Under his leadership, yearly travel more than forty German investors to Omaha in Nebraska to take part in the General Meeting of Berkshire Hathaway and discuss investment ideas.

Others commitment

Rentrop is a board member of ProChrist and an appointed member of the synod of the Evangelical Church in the Rhineland.
