Northwestern Province, Zambia

The North West province (English North - Western Province ) of the Republic of Zambia is one of the nine provinces of the country.

The North West Province, with an area of 125.826 km ² and 583.350 inhabitants, that is 4.64 people per square kilometer, one of the most sparsely populated provinces of Zambia and the worst made ​​accessible by trails. 87 % of people live as subsistence farmers. Money income are rare here. The capital of the North West Province is Solwezi.

The numerous rivers make a good network of roads impossible because of the lack of bridges. Your fluctuating water levels can in turn be shipping to a limited extent. A new railway line from Solwezi to the west to the Angolan border with the Benguela railway could open up the north of the province continue. The roads in NWFP are up on the M8 from Solwezi after Kasempa almost all unpaved, of Kasempa after Mwinilunga maintained gravel road and rarely smoothed is consistent with the grader. This makes it difficult to market access for farmers and very keeps modernization.

The North West province is dominated by the three mighty rivers Zambezi, Kafue and Kabompo. There are huge seasonal flood areas, large grassy steppes, impassable Kalahari sands and endless Miombowälder. The climate is cool and dry in the dry season from May to July 0-10 ° C at night and 15-25 ° C during the day. August to November it is warmer to 30 ° C and the air is moist until the rainy season begins around November and oppressive. In the rainy season from December to April is warm and humid, it rains almost every day.

The North West province has very different climatic zones. They range from the rainy north of forests to arid, sandy south. The north of the province is the headwaters of the Zambezi. His floodplains and its many tributaries to allow the far south intensive livestock and rice cultivation. The latter needs to be significantly developed and extended.

The NWFP is not a poor province, but a comparatively isolated, since the neighboring Angolan province of Moxico is still sparsely populated north and the Democratic Republic of Congo also has to provide only the so-called " land -hungry " with just a few people. Nevertheless, coming from there significant economic impacts. In Germany remains as a sales territory only the Copperbelt, which sets its own terms by its mining industry as a foreign exchange -generating region, and therefore determines the prices. These in turn are eminently political, as prices for food here determine the political stability of the country as a whole. This limits the motivation in NWFP strong one - as in many other provinces also, which are not supported as the Central Province as the granary of the country with investment and almost all development assistance projects massively.

An oddity in this province are the numerous lynchings " of witchcraft ," whose real contexts are not evident in reports. It is striking that they mainly fall victim to the very old, which refers to a dramatic undersupply of the province with food and grinding poverty. A similar phenomenon is to be noted in Kaputa, a very poor and undeveloped district in the Northern Province, where the state is not in fact exist and subsistence without money income normal.

