Northwestern wolf

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Mackenzie Wolf ( Canis lupus occidentalis)

Mackenzie Wolf ( Canis lupus occidentalis ) is a subspecies of the wolf, which is common in Alaska, the northern Rocky Mountains and in western and central Canada.


Mackenzie Wolf is one of the largest subspecies of the wolf. An adult male weighs about 45 kg and can measure up to 2 meters from the nose to the tail tip. The shoulder height is about 90 cm. The fur is usually black or shows a mixed gray or brown, but the color spectrum is represented.


Mackenzie Wolf was originally used in the southern Rocky Mountains, the Midwest, East, North East and West Canada and Southeast Alaska. In the United States outside of Alaska, he was eradicated in the 1930s. After introduction of the Endangered Species Act provided as conservation - law of the federation under protection, he could initially spread in the 1970s across the Canadian border in Glacier National Park in Montana. 1995 and 1996, 66 animals from Canada were reintroduced in Yellowstone National Park and Idaho. They formed the basis of a population, in ten years' time the spread that the protection of the covenant was no longer required in the states of Idaho, Wyoming and Montana. After some legal wrangling over the level of protection required in the jurisdiction of the states, regional authorities are responsible for the end of 2012 in all three states.
