Nova Petrópolis

Nova Petrópolis on the map of Rio Grande do Sul

Nova Petrópolis is a town with 18,484 inhabitants in the state of Rio Grande do Sul in southern Brazil. It is located about 95 km north of Porto Alegre in the Serra Gaúcha. Adjacent are the places Picada Café, Linha Nova, Caxias do Sul, Gramado, Santa Maria do Herval, Morro Reuter and Feliz.

Nova Petrópolis is located on the Rota Romântica with Gramado, Canela and São Francisco de Paula in the Região the Hortênsias. Both architecture and traditions such as the catering reminiscent of the German past. 1866 lived 991 mostly German settlers, in 1912 there were already 8,500 residents.

In the district of Linha Imperial Swiss Father Theodor Amstad founded in 1902 the first cooperative in Brazil, based on the Brazilian credit cooperative association SICREDI with today more than one million members. In the museum village of Aldeia do Imigrante there is next to half-timbered houses and the Cooperative Museum.
