
  • Constructed language plan language International plan language Novial


Art (other planned languages ​​)


Novial is a naturalistic, a posteriori language project plan, which was presented by the Danish linguist Otto Jespersen 1928. After the death Jespersen 1943, the project was forgotten; Attention it had received mainly because of the prominent voice founder.


Otto Jespersen belonged in 1907 to a commission which was to choose one of the existing languages ​​plan, but then Ido published. With Novial he presented in 1928 a project before, so that the - in his opinion - should be avoided to lax rules of Esperanto and Ido are strict rules. It was a step towards the so-called naturalistic projects. In contact with Edgar of choice changed Jespersen his project ever in terms of naturalistic ideas. " In practice, Novial did not matter ", said Detlev Blanke. From 1929 to 1938 there was a magazine " Mondo ", later " Novialiste ". Blanke sees the importance of Novial in the exact linguistic justification of the project by its author.


The vocabulary of Novial based on Romanesque and Germanic vocabulary. Overall, there are some similarities with Esperanto. So suffixes are used to derive adjectives from nouns and reverses. Novial is listed phonemic. Compared to Esperanto Novial but is less schematically structured, this is not done, for example, nouns always be marked in the same vowel. Novial is an isolating language: nouns and verbs are not declined or conjugated. Times are displayed either by suffixes or prepositions. Example: me did parla ( = me parlad ) - I was talking about.



Novial only knows " li " as the definite article, which is immutable. A indefinite article is not available in Novial.


The nouns end in the basic form in-e and are gender neutral. By appending -o the noun is masculine and feminine by the addition of -a.

Example: Fratre = brother or sister, fratro = brother, sister fratra =

The plural in Novial is formed by appending -s to the stem of the noun.

Example: li = fratras the sisters.

The cases

The nominative corresponds to the basic form.

The genitive is formed either by prefixing the preposition "de" or by adding the ending -n to the stem. Examples: li tragedies de Shake spar ( the tragedies of Shakespeare), men patron counting houses ( my father's office).

The dative is formed with the preposition "a". Example: Lo donad me a li libre. ( He gave me the book. )

The accusative corresponds to the nominative, but can be expressed in any doubt, by appending the suffix- m.

Personal pronouns

Adjectives and Adverbs

Adjectives are characterized by a -i in the end, however, the -i may be omitted. In Novial adjectives are invariable. They are distinguished neither by gender nor are there plural forms. Example: Bon Jorne! ( Good day! ) Li oldi home ( The Old House ). Li it home oldi ( The house is old ).

Adverbs are formed by adding- m to the i - form of the adjective and are always immutable. Example: Li fema kanta Bonim ( The woman sings well ).

The verbal system

The basic form of the verbs in Novial is used for the present, infinitive and imperative. The verbs are always conjugated not by person, gender or number.

The simple past is by adding- d to the base form or by prepending "did". Example: Me or Me prendad did prenda ( I took ).

The simple future ( future tense ) is formed by prepending sal before the basic form. Example: Vu sal prenda ( you will take ).

Novial knows an active and a passive participle participle. The active participle is by appending -nt ( when the stem in-e or-a ending ), or -ent (if the stem ends in - u or -i ) is formed. Examples: brulant (burning), ruptent ( interrupting)

The passive participle is formed by adding -t to the stem. Examples: Brulat ( burned) ruptet, ( broken)

Example: " Li Dogs del family Baskerville "
