Nowe Karmonki

New Karmunkau (Polish Nowe Karmonki ) is a village of about 450 inhabitants, with mayor's office in the bilingual rural community Radlau / Radłów in powiat Oleski in the Opole Voivodeship.


New Karmunkau located in the northeast of the Opole Province, northeast of the county town Olesno (Rosenberg OS) and in the north of Upper Silesia.


Between 27 April 1936 and 1945 it was known as New Karmen. On April 1, 1939 New Karmen was incorporated Grunsruh in the place. By 1945, New Karmen was part of the district Rosenberg OS

In 1945, New Karmen under Polish administration and was connected to the Silesian Voivodeship and renamed June 28, 1948 in Nowe Karmonki. With the division of the Silesian Province in the Opole Voivodeship and the place came to Katowice Voivodeship Opole. From 1975 to 1998 New Karmunkau lay in the province of Czestochowa. In 1999 the place after the dissolution of Częstochowa Voivodeship Opole Voivodeship and back to the restored powiat Oleski.

2006 New Karmunkau was officially bilingual together with the community Radlau and in September 2008 bilingual town signs were erected.

Population Development

The numbers of inhabitants of New Karmunkau after the relevant field status:
