
Nunic is the Croatian community Kistanje belonging hamlet in the Šibenik-Knin County. The 2001 census showed that for Nunic a population of 105 Nunic is the only village of the municipality Kistanje, which had a ( Catholic ) Croatian inhabitants majority before the war in Croatia 1991-1995.


During the war, the vast majority of younger people fled Nunic and not returned back to the rural area. This is the place overaged strong. Estimates from the late 1990s, according to the then lived no more than 20 people who were younger than 60 years, in the resort. Direct destruction existed in Nunic during the war, however, the village school was closed as a result.


The main source of income of the village are sparse state pension and benefit payments. Thus, the residents are impoverished and partly still rely on in old age part-time farming. Agriculture in the area consists mainly of viticulture.

  • Place in the Šibenik -Knin