Nur Mountains


The Amano Dağları (also only Dağları; German: Nurgebirge ) are a mountain range east of the Gulf of İskenderun. The Amano Dağları branch off from the east end of the Taurus Mountains from this and progressions in südsüdwestliche direction. The mountain range stretches along the Mediterranean coast along the way to Lebanon. The highest peak is the Bozdağ ( Daz Dagi ) with 2240 m. Popularly called the mountains also Gavur Dağları, ie "Mountains of the infidels " because it was a Christian populated area earlier.

The port city of İskenderun and the market Payas lie at the western foot of Amano's Dağları. Formerly this was a major caravanserai on the old trade route from Asia Minor to Syria. The eastern and western slope consists of a core of Paleozoic schists and a sheath of Cretaceous limestones. At this part of the mountain train is found widely scattered remains of iron ore mines.

  • Mountains in Turkey
  • Mountains in Asia