Nursery rhyme

A nursery rhyme is an orally transmitted verse, the young children, is especially in kindergarten or taught by parents or was even thought of.


The verse is often melodic or rhythmic spoken or sung, so children rhyme and children's song can hardly be distinguished. Learning such verses helps children build vocabulary, to learn to count or - in connection with movements - to train motor skills. A special case of nursery rhymes are rhymes. Children verses are often recited, which were first published in book form. Examples are Struwwelpeter and Max and Moritz. These verses are often thought to direct the children morally. As a nursery rhyme but can also often completely nonsensical rhymes ( Eeny meeny minke manke, pink panke ... ), which may be partly dramatically, vulgar, subversive ( Go away as the fart in the wind ) are referred to.

English Nursery Rhymes

English nursery rhymes, the so-called nursery rhymes are often cited in popular music. The group Genesis about her titled third album, released in 1971 Nursery Cryme; in the opening track, The Musical Box to the nursery rhyme " Old King Cole " is quoted. With the first verses of There was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe All Mama's Children by Carl Perkins and Johnny Cash starts from the year 1956. Humpty Dumpty, who is known for his appearance in Lewis Carroll's Alice Through the Looking Glass, is among other things Aretha Franklin quoted in All the King 's Horses (1972 ) and the song of the Monkees with the same title, in Billy Joel's the Great Wall of China of 1993 and Aimee Mann Humpty Dumpty from the year 2002.

The line " Sticks and stones break my bones june " in the song S & M by Rihanna also comes from a nursery rhyme, which was first printed in 1894 in the British collection Folk Phrases of Four Countries. This rhyme can be found in the text to Pocketful of Sunshine by Natasha Bedingfield.

Nursery rhymes have because of the Mother Goose collection called the Anglo- American canon a similar status as Grimm's fairy tales in German (even if the first book published under this title by Charles Perrault comes ). Allusions to children's verses are in the English language as common as allusions to fairy tales in German. Also works of high literature allude to nursery rhymes, such as Robert Penn Warren's famous novel " All the King 's Men" (1946; allusion to Humpty Dumpty, film versions 1949 and 2006). Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward named her book about the Watergate affair according to All the President's Men ( 1974 film 1976). John Hulme summed up in 1981 under the title killer cast Reims: The Gustave liverwurst Manuscripts a collection out of it the English text of some nursery rhymes with German words highlighted graphemisch - phonetic, and explains the thus formed with pseudo-scientific nonsense comments. From "Little Miss Muffet ..." " liter lousy muffelt ... " is by noting that the speaker laments his spoiled beer. There is a similar version in pseudo French.

List of nursery rhymes (selection)

  • This is the thumb, which shakes the plums ( = index finger), who gathers all on ( = middle finger) which carries it home '(= ring finger ) and small, who eats all on ( = little finger) Swiss German: The isch de Duume, de schüttlet d' Pfluume, de si reads UUV, de Treit si hei, and de chli chli Luuser she eats very elei