O'Higgins Region

The Region VI Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins is located approximately 50 km south of Santiago in Chile. It is named after the first Supreme Director of Chile Bernardo O'Higgins.

Geography and climate

In the north the region borders on the region V ( Región de Valparaíso ) and the Capital Region, on the south by the Region VII ( Maule ). The region's capital is Rancagua.

The Region VI consists of three provinces:

  • Cachapoal provincial capital of Rancagua
  • Colchagua Province capital city of San Fernando
  • Cardenal Caro Province capital Pichilemu

Main cities / locations:

  • Rancagua, 212 696 inhabitants (as of 2005)
  • San Fernando, 52 551 inhabitants (as of 2005)
  • Santa Cruz, Population 32,000
  • Pichilemu, 12,000 residents
  • Sewell with the giant El Teniente copper mine

In the north- west of the region of the large reservoir Lago Rapel is around 80 km ². In the region of the Andes numerous rivers feed the region, such as the Río Cachapoal and the Rio Tinguiririca.

Here are also two large volcanoes to find the Tinguiririca 4280 m and 4860 m El Palomo. With the Tinguiririca the Tinguiririca fauna is connected; the bone finds date back to mammals, died a little more than 30 million years ago by volcanic eruptions of Tinguiririca.


The Incas settled near Rancagua at a place called Copequén. This settlement was subject to the Inca in Cuzco.

The conquistador Alonso de Córdova began early with the production of clothing and other craft things in Rancagua. In 1580 it was decided to form a kind of city with the doctrine of Rancagua. There a church was built and later at the same place a cathedral. Until 1625 the number of Spanish settlers had already greatly increased.

1687 dies a descendant of Alonso de Córdova and 152 natives obtain land rights, the cacique is Tomás Guaglen. 1711 to build the Spaniards a small military base in the city.

1743 Juan Francisco de Arrechea begins with the systematic planning and order of the urban area modeled after the city of Santa Cruz. Governor José Antonio Manso de Velasco founded the city on October 5, 1743rd Officially, town rights were granted on 29 July in 1749.

In the battle of Rancagua Spain triumphed on October 2, 1814 Bernardo O'Higgins and Jose Miguel Carrera.


The Region VI has large wine -growing areas, which can be visited on the wine route La Ruta del Vino. The wineries are located in the valleys of Cachapoal and Colchagua. In the east, the El Teniente copper mine located in Sewell and thermal sources, such as the thermas de Cauquenes approximately 30 km east of Rancagua. To the south lie the cypress forests of the National Reserve Rio de los Cipreses.

To the northwest lies the great reservoir Lago Rapel, which is ideal for excursions. The port town of Pichilemu is a well known surfing and bathing area.

18 km south of San Fernando is the city Chimbarongo, which is famous for weaving of basket - willows.


In Sewell is the largest underground copper mine in the world, called El Teniente. It represents around 20% of Chilean copper production. In addition, agriculture and tourism plays an important role.

Agriculture grows especially wine and fruit. The city of Rancagua is famous for its textile industry.
