Oak Harbor (Ohio)

Ottawa County


Oak Harbor is a village in Ottawa County in the U.S. state of Ohio, about 40 km southeast of Toledo. The village has good 2,800 inhabitants (as of the census of 2000). Through the community of Portage River flows.


Oak Harbor was founded in 1832. Oak Harbor is located in the entrance area of the Marblehead Peninsula, a peninsula extends approximately 30 km in Lake Erie. Greatest place on the Marblehead Peninsula is Port Clinton. 1902-1905 the railroad line of the Toledo, Port Clinton & Lakeside Railway ( TPC & L) was built, which varband Toledo with the places of the peninsula. The route went over Oak Harbor.


An important economic factor were and are the orchards of Oak Harbor Fruit Company. The community celebrates the annual " Apple Festival ".

In the vicinity of Oak Harbor is the 1978 commissioned in Davis-Besse nuclear power plant. There, nearly occurred on 9 June 1985 by a meltdown.

Name Variants

The city has some name variants:

  • Hartford
  • Oakharbor
  • Port Leron