Oakley Court

Oakley Court is an English country house, which was built in 1859 in neo-Gothic style in a hamlet in the town of Bray, Berkshire in the Thames nearby. The property has an area of ​​14 hectares. Today it is a luxury hotel.


The property was built in 1859 for Sir Richard Hall Say, who had married two years previously, Ellen Evans. He was High Sheriff of Berkshire in 1864 and 1865 Justice of the Peace.

1874 Oakley Court was sold to Lord Otho Fitzgerald, then at John Lewis Phipps and 1900 to Sir William Avery. In 1919, Ernest Olivier acquired the property along with 140,000 m² of forest land for 27,000 pounds. He was an eccentric character, the honor of diplomats who were guests at him, the flag was hoisted on the flagpole preserved until today.

The property served in World War II as an English headquarters of the French Resistance. The later French President Charles de Gaulle is said to have spent the night in these days in one of the bedrooms.


Oakley Court was used for various film shoots, as the Bray studios are located nearby. Among other things, parts of the Hammer films like The Black Reptile (1966) and Nights of Horror (1966 ), filmed here. The greatest level of awareness gained the villa but as Dr. Frank N Furter castle in The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975).
