Obadiah ben Jacob Sforno

Obadiah ben Jacob Sforno (Hebrew עובדיה ספורנו; * ca 1475 in Cesena, † 1550 in Bologna) was Italian rabbi, philosopher and physician who is particular as a Bible commentator (his Pentateuchkommentar often printed in rabbinic Bibles ) emerged. He was a teacher of Reuchlin.

After he had acquired in his hometown of extensive knowledge in the areas of Hebrew, rabbinic literature, mathematics and philosophy, he went to Rome to study medicine. There he secured his studies a special place among the scholars, and as Reuchlin was staying in Rome (1498-1500) and there was seeking to complete his knowledge in the field of Hebrew literature, the Cardinal Domenico Grimani the Council, to turn to Obadiah gave him.

He enjoyed a high reputation in the field of casuistry. So was asked for advice in legal issues, for example, of Meir Katzenellenbogen. At 1525 he left Rome and led a life of wandering.

From many letters addressed to his brother Hananel in Bologna ( Italy), gives the impression that Obadiah lived in poverty during this period. Then he settled in Bologna, where he founded a yeshiva, which he headed until his death.


  • Beur al Ha - Torah