
52.2854878.57774786Koordinaten: 52 ° 17 ' 8 " N, 8 ° 34' 40" E

Location of Obermehnen in Luebbecke

Obermehnen is a place in North Rhine -Westphalia in the Minden -Lübbecke. The village belongs administratively to the city Luebbecke and has according to the main statute of the city the status of a village. Obermehnen has 1360 inhabitants and is around 9.6 km ² in size. With about 137 inhabitants per km ² Obermehnen has the lowest population density of all lübbe sugar districts, including also because approximately 4.3 km ², ie 45 percent of the area consist of the uninhabited mountain forests of the Wiehengebirge. Obermehnen is thus the relatively most forested district Lübbeckes.

The place is located in the southwest of the urban area on the northern slope of the Wiehengebirge in Lübbecker Lößland, the southern part of the village extends relatively far into the mountains and is therefore already within this natural area.

Until the municipal reform, which took effect on 1 January 1973, Obermehnen was a peasantry and was part of the former municipality Blasheim and to the Official Prussian Oldendorf. Therefore Obermehnen has won in some way by the local government reform of autonomy, since it is now an " equal " district next Blasheim. Today the closed village settlement on both sides of the mountain road, starting from the mouth to the B65, all the houses and areas runs south of the national road are thus formally Obermehnen, although this in the general consciousness still Blasheim (such as the Blasheimer market ) are expected, up hill to the south to Wiehengebirge. The lower part to about the railway line is called Untermehnen. The core area Obermehnens, that is, the settlement in the far south, is also, for example, on street signs or maps, Obermehnen village called. Away are the settlements in the West and Mehner Masch Vierlinden in the east. Quite the West Obermehnen has " geerbet " in the course of municipal reform the estate upper field that previously belonged indeed to the community Blasheim but as good, of course not part of the peasantry was Obermehnen. Ecclesiastical heard Obermehnen (except the eingepfarrte after Luebbecke Good upper field ) to the parish Blasheim.

Originally the village was called only Mehnen. The new name Obermehnen it should from the 17 km distant, originally distinguish the same place, that has Niedermehnen ( today a district of Stemwede ) is called, and not, as one might assume, Obermehnen of Untermehnen, the lower part Mehnens near Blasheim differ. The name Mehnen depends comfortable with or mene mana together, whose basic meaning " clearing " and is related to words such as commons, jointly and community.


At the Babilonie, a 255 meter high mountain, lies the same cultural monument, a castle wall.

Through the territory of the peasantry Obermehnen was the former boundary between the Principality of Minden and the County Ravens mountain. This limit was 1614-1648 times an external border of Prussia. An old boundary post, the S. G. Prussia stake and a memorial stone at the Preußeneck remember this historical fact. To the east of the district, to the north of the settlement Vier Linden is the nature reserve Finkenburg / Finke Moor.

The Prussians stake in Obermehnen

Not far from the pile Prussia is the obermehner Maypole


  • Eberhard Werner, artist ( landscape painter ) lived and died in Obermehnen at Luebbecke