Obstacle course

The obstacle course ( briefly also H-Bahn, Hiba, and storm track ) is a military training facility, is to train the body strength, endurance, flexibility and speed of the soldiers. It is similar to the circuit training. The obstacle course is not arranged in a circle in the control. The obstacle course is either individually or overcome in the group box. In the latter method, soldiers should especially learn that they are more efficient by working together and how they can help each other.


An obstacle course is usually located in every barracks and is usually designed so that it is completely surrounded by trees. It is several hundred meters long, and the floor is made of earth, sand and grass.


At any obstacle course include at least the following stations:

  • A riser rail: this is a 45 degree rising, smooth wooden slide that must be climbed with start-up to a temperature at about 250 cm high platform. At the top is jumped in a sandpit. The goal is to learn how to jump from a great height ( with legs ). As an alternative to the smooth wooden wall built across several wooden beams can come for the rise of the application.
  • A Eskaladierwand: this is a little over two meters high wooden wall, which must be overcome. An advanced variation is about three feet high. In this variant missing on approximately one meter a board, so that the jump can not be done from the ground, but first a foot must be placed in the recess.
  • A balance beam: it consists of a few feet long tree trunk approximately 50 cm in height, which must be crossed in full length.
  • Obstacles to sliding a: must be crossed at low altitudes over sand tensioned wires, the lowest in gait (sliding).
  • A trench: this is an about 120 cm deep shaft into which you just jump in and have to climb out again.
  • Trip wires: a low wire mesh through which the soldier must pass without sticking.
  • Spanish rider, several x -shaped arranged wooden beams that need to be surmounted.


Depending on the training level of difficulty can be increased by:

  • Transportation of weapon and Luggage
  • Wearing NBC protective clothing
  • Tighter time limits
  • Training at night or rain
  • Transport of a " wounded " comrade or failing that, a tree trunk

Variant of the NVA

The storm track was within the scope of the Military physical training ( MKE) created as a 200 -meter-long replica of a road section, to overcome the typical obstacles were for combat operations. Start and finish line were at a height so that the to be overcome distance was 400 m. The storm track was ( a wooden model ) and gas mask bag overcome with steel helmets, fencing MPi. There were two basic standards ( storm track in winter and Standard 9 Standard 10 in summer). It was worn either field service uniform (summer / winter) or the so-called Black Combi (black overalls ), for training purposes, or when morning exercise also sportswear.

The following stations had to be overcome:

  • About 20 m creep or Overcome obstacle
  • (Water) dug about 2 m wide
  • Climbing at Horizontaltau: A strained in about 3 m in height dew, which would be achieved through a hanging rope. The Horizontaltau was overcome hanging or on top of about 15-20 m.
  • Eskaladierwand high 2 m
  • Increase obstacle: a stationary obstacle had to be overcome by jumping from a round tube to a second tube
  • Duct obstruction ( soldiers jargon: Burrow ): two-channel access points were connected by a 10 m long concrete tube had to be crossed. It was climbed to get started, jumped in, slipped through the channel ( the fencing - MPi doing on the side, it was like pushed forward through the channel ), climbed over two iron treads in the exit up and then jumped out ( abgeflankt ).
  • Grave hurdle: two trenches, divided by a pipe fence had to be overcome. This one jumped over the first trench on the foundation of the fence, climbed through the fence and had prior skip the second grave section.
  • Gable wall with top and bottom of the window: On the gable wall hung a rope, by which one came in the bottom window. From there you had on the other side on a 1 m rise on higher ground board and jump from about 4 m height about 2 m wide on a 3 m high concrete element, then again on a 1.5 m high concrete element.
  • Seesaw
  • Jump at the end of the storm track in a foxhole, hand grenades wide goal throw ( with a F1 practice hand grenade ), put on a gas mask and run back to the beginning of the storm track. Behind the goal line put you down, MPi in stop, the time measurement is stopped.

In addition to the individual overcome the obstacle course, there was also the collective overcoming the obstacle course. The Meant a group, a train or a company should overcome the track as quickly as possible. However, assistance were explicitly allowed. The time was taken with the last soldier who took his weapon in attack.

The exact shape of the storm track could differ from the normal storm track in certain special units and branches of service. So a modified form was used for fire training, the elements and obstacles of the storm track with napalm were set on fire.
