Occult Chemistry

In her book, Occult Chemistry, the German version was published in 1909, Annie Besant describes along with Charles W. Leadbeater, like their opinion is built according to the structure of matter. The findings of this work have come, according to a preface to clairvoyant way about, would also be of interest to chemists and were not invented. The book was mainly for theosophy and importance, not least for the financial world.

According to the pseudo-scientific work is all matter from primordial atoms, which lead to a different composition to the structure of atoms known to us. The authors suggest in the book to continue to have perceived through the development of personal vision, these microcosmic structures. This, in the scientific world not taken seriously ability is also referred to as micro - psi. According to their descriptions, it is possible by the development of the Third Eye on the etheric plane, among other things, set the vision at this level and so the smallest structures, such as perceiving atoms with their own eyes.

The book contains numerous drawings of the structure of atoms and their sub-structures. The primordial atoms shown here consist of 10 strings (strings). Atomic descriptions and illustrations are highly speculative and mix the historical knowledge state of the turn of the 19th to the 20th century with scientifically baseless allegations.
