
Fruits of Sägeblättrige nail Berry ( Ochna serrulata ) with the conspicuous sepals

The nail berries ( Ochna ) are a genus of flowering plants in the family of nail berry plants ( Ochnaceae ). The Ochna about 85 species have their areas in the subtropics to tropics in many parts of the world. It does not occur in the Neotropics. Most species occur in Africa. The best known species of this genus is probably the Sägeblättrige nail Berry ( Ochna serrulata ).


Ochna species grow as shrubs or trees. The change-constant foliage leaves have a simple leaf blade usually with serrated, rarely smooth margin. The small stipules are intrapetiolar overgrown and decrepit.

The branched inflorescences are sometimes schirmtraubig. The hermaphrodite flowers are radial symmetry with a double perianth. The rarely four, usually five sepals close the flower bud completely one, have a smooth edge and are also colored on the ripe fruit available. The five to twelve free petals are usually yellow, rarely orange or white. In two or more circles many stamens are present. The durable stamens are short to long. 3-15 carpels are a top permanent, deep - lobed, 3 - grown to 15 - chambered ovary. The carpel only one ovule is present. The long, slim style ends in a slightly lobed stigma.

In a fruit cups are usually 3 to 10, rarely up to 15 stone fruits together, which become black when ripe. The seeds contain a straight or curved embryo but not endosperm.


The first publication of the genus Ochna was in 1753 by Linnaeus with the type species Ochna jabotapita L. Species Plantarum, 1, p are 513 synonyms for Ochna L.: Diporidium HLWendl, Discladium Tiegh, Ochnella Tiegh, Polythecium Tiegh. .. ..

There are about 85 Ochna species ( selection):

  • Ochna jabotapita L.
  • Ochna mossambicensis Klotzsch
  • Sägeblättrige nail Berry ( Ochna serrulata ( Hochst. ) Walp. )
  • Ochna thomasiana Engl & Gilg


  • Zhang Zhixiang & Maria do Carmo E. Amaral: Ochnaceae in the Flora of China, Volume 12, 2007, p 362: Ochna - Online. (Section Description and dissemination )