Odo IV, Duke of Burgundy

Odo IV ( Eudes IV ) (* 1295, † April 3, 1350 in Sens ) was Duke of Burgundy from 1315 to 1350, Count of Burgundy and Count of Artois from 1330 to 1347 He was the son of Duke Robert II. († 1306) and Agnes of France († 1327 ), the youngest daughter of Louis IX.

Through his sister Margaret of Burgundy (1290-1315) he was the brother of the French King Louis X and the uncle of Queen Joan II of Navarre. Through his sister Joan of Burgundy (c. 1293-1348/49 ), he was the brother of King Philip VI ..

He followed in 1315 his older brother Hugo V. Duke of Burgundy. 1316, after the death of Louis X., he supported the claims of his niece Johanna II against King Philip V, the brother of Louis X.; the dispute was in 1318 by the marriage of Philip's daughter Odos with Johanna ( 1308-1347 ), by her mother, Joan of Burgundy, the counties of Burgundy (later the Franche-Comté ) and inherited Artois in 1330, settled.

1328 renounced his niece after the extinction of the elder branch of the Capetian contract to the French throne and got on their heritage, passed the kingdom of Navarre.

Johanna and Odo had six children:

  • Son (* / † June 1322, buried in Val -des- Choux )
  • Philip, called Monsieur Philippe (* 1323, † 1346 ), Count of Auvergne and Boulogne, Erbherzog of Burgundy, father of Philip of Rouvres, Duke of Burgundy
  • Johann (* July 1325, † 1327/1328, buried in Val -des- Choux )
  • Son (* 1327, † young, buried in Val -des- Choux )
  • Son (* 1330, † young, buried in Val -des- Choux )
  • Son (* 1335, † young, buried in Val -des- Choux )

Odo inherited in 1316 by the death of his brother Louis its claims to the Kingdom of Thessalonica, which he sold in 1321 to Philip I of Taranto. He served loyally King Philip VI. , His brother, fought against the Flemings and was wounded in Cassel 1328. He defended in 1340 Saint- Omer against the deposed Robert III. of Artois, and helped Charles of Blois in the Breton War of Succession against John of Montfort. 1346 Finally, he fought against the English in Guyenne.

Duke Odo IV of Burgundy was buried in Citeaux Abbey. His successor was - his six sons had all died before him - his grandson Philip of Rouvres.
