
The Odomanten, a Thracian tribe that first settled west of the Strymon on the Halkidiki peninsula.

From there, they were ousted by the Macedonians in the countryside east of the Strymon. In the classical era they lived at the western foot of the Pangaion Mountains. Thucydides testifies that she BC and during the Odrysenfeldzuges of Sitalkes against the Macedonians settled in this area 429. The Odomanten were involved in the exploitation of mineral resources in Pangaion and were therefore probably afflicted in the classical period and by the Thasiten. Megabazos had trouble with the Odomanten in his undertakings in Thrace. Odomanten King Polles presented to the Thracian campaign of the Spartan Kleon a large mercenary army. This and other Thrakerstämme of Strymonbereiches contributed 520 BC resistance against the Persian rule, and the campaign of Xerxes against Greece.

In Roman times, the settlement area of ​​Odomanten was named as Terra Odomantica.
